Session Three: Whereship?

Party: Mac, Yrsa, Albert, Lucas. 

The story start with Whisper (pictured) lamenting how their plans have been upended by a group of adventurers. His mysterious benefactor, from a place of lavish opulence, urges him to spread his wings.

As our heroes spend their time in town wisely, they learn things both from each other and the locals. 

One of those things is a tale from Helge (in response to the query of how long the area had been plagued by these creatures) that an airship known as the Persephone once crashed in these parts, about fifteen years ago, which led to the saturnation of the area with Magitek, and a rise of conflicts with Magitek beasts ever since.

A lot of discussion is had about the ideologies of Bastionne, Garrison and even Lucas's place as representative of the concept of 'looting for glory'. Yrsa discloses she is missing a diplomat, a tough thing to say as a bodyguard, and the group seems genuinely interested in tracking the missing Ingvar down.
They have some conversation with both Nikki and Hermann Ti'scer (from Garrison), to little avail. 
Hermann does mention that a foreign diplomat was seen with one of the houses of Garrison, but forgets which one it was.

Albert, in his youthful exuberance, adds the skin of a slain bear-creature to his wardrobe and attempts to use his magic to commune with it. Much to his surprise, it responds and shows him an image of the old lair it used to have, near a strange metal and glass construction sticking out of the ground. 

The party heads out to find the Persephone and is set upon by a flock of Diven so numerous they darken the sky... or is it the massive avian being known as the Maw that descends upon the group afterwards that was the true cause of the unnatural darkness?
Whatever might be the case, the group deals with the threats in their path and head on to discover what the meaning of freedom might be for them.   


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