Session two: The Tree

We rejoin our heroes as they have made the trek back to the Bandit Village. 
They wrecked a strange magitek robot that sprung out of nowhere to attack them as they were charging the Menhir at the behest of lord Helge, leading to a pacification of the strange modified creatures that roam the Julans Galdra, or at least the ones near the clearing where battle was joined.

After the heat of battle dies down, the group decides to learn who they are traveling with, creating a number of bonds with each other, some out of respect for the skill shown, some out of genuine interest in the respective fields of experience that a new friend proves master over.
Albert, for his bit, keeps apart from the others, pride still smarting with the sting of perceived defeat.

The group does pull together well enough and heads back to the bandit village, with Mac noting something odd as they go. Together with Albert and Urfhilde, he examines and excavates a sample from a magitek tree. Upon close inspection of a cut-off, the party concludes someone merged magitek pieces into the tree for unknown reasons.  

Arriving at the village, the group notes that the boy Obo, who previously behaved rudely towards them, is bruised and battered. Urfhilde gives him a cookie. 
Two adults and three children seem to be setting up a tent in the village square, wishing the party a pleasant evening, as the patrol from Garrison can be seen exiting Helge's dwelling towards a different house, apparently intend on making their lodgings there for the night.
The party proceeds in and comes across Helge in a pensive mood. They talk a bit and Lucas decides to take a piece of Bastionne ironwork as extra payment for their trouble. 
Before too much else, Tibalt arrives to whisper to Helge, leaving the dwelling shortly after.
Lucas, not trusting this much, gives chase, seeing Tibalt scale the wall with a grappling hook in a manner most like a spider. Quickly making his own way up and down the wall, Lucas finds himself beset on all sides by a pack of magitek wolves. Thinking quick, he unleashes a thunder shard, alerting the party to his situation and letting battle be joined, while Tibalt makes his escape through the pack with his strange amulet clasped to his chest.
A massive bipedal enhanced wolf stands in the back while the party fight off the initial wave of creatures, charging a blast of sheer energy that eventually is unleashed on the wall around the village, leaving a deep V-shaped scar in the very ground, breaching the palisade with ease.

The group gets to the beast and by combining Albert's tactics, Mac's accuracy, Lucas' savvy and Yrsa's brute strength, they eventually crush it. 


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