Urfhilde "Yrsa" Guairneán


Urfhilde Guairneán

Guardian 3 (+5 HP/ Defensive Mastery [2], Fortress)

Spiritist 1 (+5 MP/ Spiritual Magic [Heal])

Weaponmaster 1 (+5 HP/ Counterattack)

A member of the Pilvi guard, Yrsa has a great reputation as a guard. She works hard to keep it like that and the current situation is a stain on her previously unblemished record. She is not even sure if the high ranking diplomat she was supposed to protect gave her the slip on purpose or if he was taken by a hostile faction. The airship that brought them to Las Remblas has been confiscated in his absence, so now she roams and searches to find him, so he can finish his mission to negotiate the terms of trade for Scrin Aeir with Bloom and Garrison as Scrin is dependent on these states for resources.

Identity: Guilt-ridden Dutiful Bodyguard

Theme: Duty (Members of the Guard)

Origin: Scrin Aeir


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